Tuesday, January 27, 2009


A brand new year, a new home! What I mean is a new site where I can post unlimited number of photos of Chloe as well as start journaling virtually on her developments.

Like all new mummies, I diligently kept a journal during my pregnancy, recording all her Firsts-first laugh, first step, first vacation, first day in playgroup, nursery, and of course first time she said, “ Mummy, I love You cos you the Best Mummy in the whole world!’”. I pen these PRECIOUS MOMENTS in a decorated book just so that my little princess will be able to read them when she gets older. Unfortuately, I am unable to scan what I have written and post them here. But for all who have been following Chloe’s developments on
www.ourpreciousmoment.com, you be glad to know that I will be keeping that site for now.

I know it sounds so cliché but 2008 went by too swiftly. Though I wanted to start this blog on the 1st day of 2009, I never got around doing it. So for the first day of the Lunar New Year (still a New Year), I wrote a huge reminder on my to do list to write something on this blog.

Well, it 2am and HRH is in dreamland while her royal maid is half awake thinking of what happen over the past year-2008. Okie, a quick summation- We started 2008 with Chloe being featured as one of the TMC Precious Tots in their 2008 Calendar. Subsequently, she was also selected by TMC to endorse the Child Seat Saves Little Lives Campaign organized by TMC, Volvo and Singapore Traffic Police. She was so fascinated to see herself appearing on TV, Bus Ad as well as Tissue Boxes. Chloe grew taller and she is able to express herself better with her growing vocabulary. She become even more independent and assertive too and has started to test our patience. She is active, adorable, loves her friends, very animated and a sponge of constant learning. And yes, she still carry her stuff Snoopy everywhere.

2009 will probably be a more trying period but I'm sure we'll survive. I did not make any new year resolution this year as I know I wouldn’t fulfil any of it. But I do have a wish that Chloe would finally start eating more solids in the year 2009. I made that wish since 2006 and am still wishing… Oh, and good health and happiness for all my loved ones around the world and to all of you who are reading this too!!

Well, I've rambled long enough and will add more later. Looking forward to keeping everyone updated! Here wishing all A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS OX YEAR!